American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Ministers And Missionaries Benefits Board

Benefits Guide for Church-related Employers Available


Note From Caryl Casey, ABCOPAD Treasurer: 

We all need information!  For some of us, that means making phone calls,  until we can determine who might have the information that we need.  For others, it means searching various web sites trying to track down the right source for our particular task.  Each January, I hear from treasurers and pastors as they work on the previous year's W-2 information and begin to set up new payroll, housing and reimbursement figures. 

The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board has made it easy to find the answers to many of these questions.  The MMBB Guide for Church-Related Employers 2009, is a handy reference that walks you through such issues as compensation policies, pay for ministers and lay employees, tax withholding, health insurance, how to fill out a W2 and other subjects you may have questions about.  It's approximately 40 pages and easy to download. 

I'm always happy to answer any questions. Call 1-800-932-9442 or EMAIL