American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Decennial Reports 2021


From the Treasurer, Caryl Casey

Recently I was contacted by several churches who had received a notice about filing a Decennial Report with the Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations in Harrisburg. This report is mailed to corporations within Pennsylvania who have not filed an Annual Statement – Nonprofit Corporation form PA 15-5110 for the last 10 years. This is a single page report and it should be filed each year before April 30th.

ABCOPAD’s attorney has informed us, that if our churches included their Moderator, Treasurer and Clerk that would satisfy the requirement for the three principal officers of the church that are requested for this report. It is only their name and titles, no addresses or contact information is included. You can download this report from the Pennsylvania Department of State website using the name or number that I noted or you can contact Denise Veselicky in the ABCOPAD Pittsburgh office (888) 687-0883 EMAIL or myself (800) 932-9442 EMAIL. We will be happy to e-mail or send you a copy. I would encourage you to fill one of these out if you do not regularly already do this. The Decennial Report on the other hand, carries the need for similar information along with a check for $70 to the PA Department of State. The mailings for the Decennial Reports are only issued once every ten years on the years ending in a 1. If you’ve been Pastor or Treasurer for nine years and you’ve never received one, that’s because you weren’t there the last time or your church was missed when they last mailed them out. Regardless, there’s an easy way to be sure your church isn’t picked up in these mailings by just filling out the Annual Statement form. You will need the name of your church, the address, and three officers’ names and titles and the signature of one of them for the form. Get it on your church’s calendar for an every year submission.

Click to Download Annual Statement - Nonprofit Corporation Form PA 15-5110