Midwest Ministry Development Center

Ministering to Ministers
The mission of the Midwest Ministry Development Network
is to strengthen and care for ministry leaders
in the local church.
From its inception, the
Midwest Ministry Development Network has concentrated its efforts in three distinct yet interrelated areas of service: supporting pastors, assessing candidates for ministry, and providing educational resources.
Our core programs are designed to assist pastors and church leaders including lay leaders, missionaries and church planters throughout their calls to ministry. Services include assessing candidates for ministry, career and retirement planning, personal and professional guidance, counseling, conflict management, crisis intervention, staff team-building, clergy self-care, and clergy family self-care. Participants are encouraged to involve spouses and other family members whenever appropriate.
Pastors typically engage with MMDN staff because of questions or concerns about their ministry. Sometimes pastors are dealing with a vocational or personal crisis. Pastors may also visit as they approach major milestones and decision points in ministry. They may visit at their own initiative or be referred by their judicatory or ministerium.
MMDM strives to meet the vocational assessment needs and address the stresses and struggles of clergy and other professional church workers in innovative and creative ways that reflect the evolving church of today.
Columbus, Ohio
1234 Old Henderson Road Suite B
Columbus, Ohio 43220
Fax: 614-442-8824
Email: mmds69col@gmail.com