Center for Continuous Learning
The American Baptist Home Mission Societies is your partner in practical mission education.
Offering interactive, intercultural, and incarnational learning experiences, the Center for Continuous Learning will help you respond to current trends in leadership training, critically engage the cultural moment for justice, and innovate mission education with emerging generations. A wide range of in-person courses, online courses, hybrid courses, webinars, conferences, and certifications are available.
Each quarter, the Center for Continuous Learning will unlock a selection of live and on-demand content to refresh your spirit and sharpen your skills for ministry.
Check HERE
to discover new opportunities for
continuing education, spiritual formation, and practical application of ministry skills.
Starting the Money Conversation a free on-demand webinar |
Get the money conversation started in your home and church through this innovative faith and finance partnership between the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This series will expand your financial toolkit with resources designed to address four common money issues: getting bills in order, resolving debt, understanding and using credit, and saving toward your goals. INFO HERE |