ABCOPAD Board 2022 Spring
The ABCOPAD Region Board recently met face to face in Bedford, PA. This was our first in-person meeting since the pandemic. President Mark McCallion led the team with VP Bryon Luke bringing the morning devotion. It was a joy seeing so many of our representatives present for the meeting including Association Reps.
Having NOT been together since 2019 it was fun just enjoying a meal together and catch up with awesome friends. Laughter and conversation filled the room as we “broke bread” together.
During the Regional Board meeting on Friday, President Mark McCallion recognized Treasurer Caryl Casey for her 36 years of service including perfect attendance at Regional Board Meetings. Caryl is a unique treasurer who has always said my job isn’t so much about numbers as it is ministry.
Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 5/7/2022