Seek And Ye Shall Find
Even in the midst of covid restrictions, Search Committees have been diligent in their work to find pastoral leadership.
The Search Committee at the Calvary Baptist Church in Williamsport is meeting the challenge with news that their pastor, Rev. Pete Wilson, will be retiring at the end of the year. The team has spent time discussing next steps regarding the use of MinistrElife to identify potential pastoral leaders along with the possibility of creating a Bi-vocational and Co-vocational pastoral leadership team at the church.
The folk at Sullivan State Road Baptist Church are engaged in the process to fill their pulpit, as their pastor Rev. Sherri Butters, announced her intention to retire later this year. Having served for over a decade and even postponing her retirement during the pandemic, not leaving the church family without a pastor in the midst of COVID-19, the congregation is discussing their options moving forward.
Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 6/2/2021