Visser Honored
The Rev. Dr. Richard "Dick" Visser was honored for his many years of pastoral service to the community of Waynesburg, specifically, and the Kingdom Of God, universally, with the conferment of the Doctor of Humane Letters honorary degree during Waynesburg University's commencement onSunday, May 1.
Dick finished out his professional career before retirement in ABCOPAD where for twenty years he was Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Waynesburg and then served as Interim Executive Minister of the Pittsburgh Baptist Association prior to its merger with ABCOPAD. Though both he and his wife, Carol, are originally from New England, where they have retired, they did fifty years of ministry together in New England, West Virginia, and several churches in ABCOPAD. Dick has served on all levels of denominational life; associationally, regionally, and nationally. Dick was a founding leader in our region's school of lay ministry.
Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 6/7/2016