Who Remembers Sunnybrook?
The November 12, 2015, ABCOPAD Web Update ended with "Who Remembers Sunnybrook?" and linked to a photo of a couple men with a camp pennant and T-shirt.
Janine Clay (Exton Community Baptist Church) made an archaeological dig among her photos and retrieved 10 from Sunnybrook in 1960, mostly of the teen staff. She was privileged that summer to be among them.
The photos are not in pristine condition, but they've survived nearly 56 years. YAY, Kodak!
(Thanks, Janine, for the photos and captions!)
1- teen kitchen staff on break
2- down time
3- hard job at the canteen
4- leisure - note the cars!
5- Camp cook
6- Uh-oh!
7- No excuse for this!
8- sneaking out to avoid detection
9- supervisor finding only girls at wakeup
10- some of the culprits
Categories: General ~ Date: 3/10/2016