FBC Pottstown Tower
The tower is a tumbling down! Demolition on the "Leaning Tower of Pottstown" began in late August. The church sits on the corner of King & Charlotte Sts. Charlotte St which runs along the side of the church has been closed most of the summer and yes, the church is being charged. Our tower problems have been quite the challenge, however, they have also been an opportunity for God to bless us. The cost of bringing the tower down is estimated at around $200,000. While we had some money on hand, enough to give the contractor to start the job, we certainly didn't have the money to complete the task. However, God has provided!
We have been sharing the need through our website and at every possible opportunity, so the word has gotten around town that we were in need of a helping hand. Christ Episcopal Church in Pottstown heard of our plight and from funds they have on hand gave FBC a gift of $50,000. They have also given us a no interest loan of $40,000. Thank you God!!! But the provision doesn't end there! The chair person of the Tower Fund Raising Committee, Myra Forrest, began thinking, if one of our neighboring churches was willing help, is it possible there would be another? So the Myra, put together a packet of information to share with First Presbyterian Church. First Pres gives out grants to the community from Endowment funds earmarked for community use only. Myra sat down with one of the churches Co-Pastor to find if we would be eligible. The Co-pastor said she would take the information to the church Session, which was meeting later in the week. When Myra heard back from First Presbyterian she was told they were willing to help us out, but the money wouldn't be coming from the Community Funds, it would becoming from money First Presbyterian had planned on using for their building. They would be giving us $30,000. (This last bit of news was shared on my first Sunday in the pulpit).
What Satan meant to use to harm us, has been used to bring a deeper unity to the family here FBC and great glory to God for this is most certainly the work of the Holy Spirit!!!
Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 10/6/2016