American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Jeffrey Snyder ordained to the Gospel Ministry at Exton Community Baptist Church


The Ordination was supposed to take place on December 8th, but a snowstorm postponed the event.  An ice storm threatened to do it again, but the congregation at the Exton Community Baptist Church said, 'the service must go on!', and it did!  

Family and Friends alike gathered to participate in the Ordination of Jeffrey Snyder to the Gospel Ministry.  Participating in the Service were Jeff's wife, Sherry, his daughter, Madeline, as well as his father, James.  Additionally, the Rev. Dr. George Hawthorne, Pastor of the Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell (where Jeff performed his Field Education while in Seminary), brought the message for the day, entitled, 'Superman Christians'.  All present were then invited to a time of fellowship and refreshment in the church's Fellowship Hall.


Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 1/6/2014
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Recent Baptisms At FBC Parkerford and New Covenant Pottstown


(Picture attached: Front Row: Kelly & Jackson. Back Row: Pastor Blake Edwards, Brian & Jamie, Dawn & Chris, Pastor Bob Coats)


  On Sunday, December 29, 2013, two of our American Baptist sister churches in the Pottstown area held a Joint Believers' Baptism service. Parker Ford Baptist Church, who has a baptistry, opened their doors and arms and welcomed New Covenant Baptist Church of Pottstown as they baptized one youth and five adults, which included two couples.


Interim pastor of Parker Ford, Rev. David Enfield, served as the worship leader. New Covenant's Interim Pastor, Rev. Robert Coats, and Rev. Blake Edwards officiated at the baptism. Pastor Bob gave a brief explanation of Believers' Baptism before the baptism, and then he gave the closing message entitled: "A Time To Be Reborn!"

What a special celebration for two of our churches who average 40 - 50 each Sunday to have 94 in attendance on this special Sunday to bring in the new year!

On January 12, as New Covenant celebrates New Year's Communion, twelve new people altogether will join as members. A soup luncheon will follow in their honor.


Praise the Lord for the movement of His Holy Spirit!

Article from Rev. Bob Coats




Categories: General, Ministries, Region Life ~ Date: 1/4/2014
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