American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog



It was the first gathering of one of our newly formed younger pastors’ groups. Pastor Evan Duncan (West Chester) hosted a group that included Pastor Rob Rice (GPS North CentraL), Pastor CG Coates (Norristown), and Pastor Christine Lewis, who lives in Delaware and is working on finishing her seminary studies. It was a great day of getting to know one another and discussing a wide variety of topics.
Throughout this year, there will be several more events happening, some local, some via Zoom, and some region wide, so if you’re a younger pastor (45ish and under) we’d love to connect with you and tell you more about what we’re doing. If you’re a little more seasoned in ministry, please pray for us and how God is going to use this new thing in our region.
Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 3/1/2023
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