"Eat Your Bread With Joy..."
...so are the words of Ecclesiastes 9:7. Have you ever noticed how often ABCOPAD staff are helping to support the restaurant industry? Wow! Here are just a few shots from the past 2 months.
[Seriously, we're thankful for our dedicated Regional Pastors who encourage and nurture local pastors and church leaders as they sit at tables of food and fellowship. Thanks, guys!]
...with Pastor Abreu (Spanish Emmanuel Church, Allentown)
...with David Carr (Harrisburg Association)
...with Kadin Williams (Exton Community Baptist Church)
...with Tim Robson (East Smithfield Federated Church)
with Carl Harris (FBC, Gettysburg)
...with Brian and Lynette Smith (FBC, Cambridge Springs)
...with Caryl Casey (ABCOPAD Treasurer) and Sue MacDonald (ABCOPAD Foundation)
...with Paul Levan (Greenfield Baptist Church)
...with Mike Poindexter (Pleasant Community Church, Warren)
...with David and Colleen Ludeker
...with Funteller Jackson (Logan's Valley Baptist Church, Bellwood)
...with Steve Brotzman (FBC, Beaver Falls)
...with Gary Gilpin (Aldenville Baptist Church)
Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 5/13/2016