WEBINAR: Building An Effective Facebook Page
How effective is your church Facebook page?
Is it current or out-of-date?
Does it communicate clearly and accurately the life and character of your congregation?
What essential content should be included?
Throughout history people have gathered in town squares ... public places where the local community would gather for social and commercial purposes. In ages past, it used to be -- quite literally - the town square, and it still is in some places. In more recent times, it's been the shopping malls and coffee shops. But now social media has become the 21st century "town square." If the church truly wants to see the Gospel impact and influence a community, they should go to the place where the most significant conversations are actually taking place. Today, that's on social media ... and most particularly on Facebook. |
Bud Russell, ABCOPAD Web Coordinator RMA
Mark Mahserjian Smith, ABCOPAD Regional Pastor for Mission and Communications
Pastors, Church Leaders, and Webmasters are welcome!
This free webinar will include:
an overview of the basic rules of the road
a checklist of essential content