American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Tiny House Spirituality


On June 6 & 7, 2022 from Noon till 2pm(EST), the Short-Term Mission staff will facilitate a 2-Day virtual Ministry Immersion hosted by Revs. Joyce & David Reed, Global Coordinators of Spiritual Care. Come and encounter “Tiny House Spirituality: Seeking Shalom in a Fractured World.” Not everyone has experienced the last two years in the same way. Yet, we have all been impacted not only by the trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic but also by social instabilities, racial inequities, economic disparities, and political polarities. We invite you to explore what thriving in reduction (a tiny house spirituality) looks and feels like while languishing in ambivalence and moving toward shalom. To register, no later than May 30th, for this free ministry immersion, please email: