American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

New Title Explores Baptism, Communion
from Baptist Perspective



New from Judson Press, “River of Life, Feast of Grace: Baptism, Communion, and Discipleship” considers the historic theology of the Christian rites of baptism and communion from a Baptist perspective. It then explores the practical implications of these rituals for a life of radical discipleship.

In addition, the volume includes a variety of classical liturgies and original worship resources from an array of voices—diverse in culture, gender and ethnicity—offering today’s congregations a rich collection of worship resources to adapt to their own baptismal and communion services.

Presenting a contemporary approach to the ordinances, this substantive yet accessible study is perfect for liturgical scholarship, congregational education and pastoral leadership. Complementing the narrative is supplemental information and quotations that help readers to focus on important ideas. Included are questions for reflection and discussion.

Author Jennifer W. Davidson, M.Div., Ph.D., is an associate professor of Theology & Worship at American Baptist Seminary of the West, Berkeley, Calif. She serves as Core Doctoral Faculty in the Religion and Practice Department and Theology and Ethics Department at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. In addition to teaching, she is a retreat leader who brings a deep and abiding interest in lived spirituality, seeking to cultivate attentiveness to God’s presence in everyday life. She is committed to liberative contemplative education, engaged scholarship and advocacy.

For supplemental materials and additional worship resources, visit the author’s website at

River of Life available HERE