American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

IM Responds to Outbreak of Coronavirus



The outbreak of the Coronavirus in Mainland China has been followed by reports of cases of infection in places from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan to the US, Canada, France, Japan, Singapore, Nepal, and South Korea. As of January 27, close to 20 cities in China are being closed to travelers to prevent the spread of the virus. Confirmed cases of the Coronavirus have increased to 2,744 with more than 30,000 suspected cases under observation. The death toll as of this writing has increased to 80, including a medical professional who died of infection.

Rev. Dr. Benjamin Chan, IM’s Area Director for East and South Asia, shares, “There is an urgent need to provide medical-grade protection masks, coveralls, and other medical supplies for hospitals and patients in Wuhan province.”

International Ministries (IM) is responding on behalf of American Baptist Churches USA with a $12,250 One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) emergency relief grant to Amity Foundation, a Christian-initiated NGO and IM partner in China and others are encouraged to join in support by making a gift today to OGHS-China Coronavirus fund. 100% of gifts for emergency relief go directly to this need.

The priority is to provide surgical-grade materials first to hospitals so that medical personnel are protected and can continue treating patients, and then to communities to reduce the spread of the virus. Amity Foundation will manage the distribution of the supplies to the most needed places.

IM seeks to provide $50,000 of medical supplies in January and another $50,000 of medical supplies in February.