American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ACTS - Fall Semester 2022


Academy of Christian Training and Service
Fall Semester 2022
classes begin August 20


Registration is now open for the ACTS Fall Semester. Courses include:

Pastoral Leadership [Rev. Alex Perednia, instructor]

This is a course covering the basics of being a leader in a Baptist church. It will include: the pastor as a person; an introduction to different personal styles of leadership and their effects; an introduction to the organization of a Baptist church; and ways a leader works with and can direct the various boards and committees. It will also present methods to be used in organizing worship, officiating at child dedications, performing baptisms, and serving the Lord’s Supper.

Preaching [Rev. Mark McCallion, instructor]

Communicating God's Word effectively for the purpose of spiritual formation and congregational transformation will be stressed. The personal preparation of the preacher, establishing the meaning of the text, the movement from interpretation to sermon development, sermon construction, and delivery of the sermon will be covered. Messages for special services, gaining feedback on sermons, and record keeping will also be addressed. Each student will present a sermon to the class.

ACTS Website

To Register Click HERE