Disaster Relief Trailers Ministry
You can be part of this ministry!
Our American Baptist Men of PA and DE are ready for action. We have four emergency response trailers located across the region fully equipped and poised to serve you.
In so doing we are fulfilling our Christian Mission, demonstrating the compassion of Christ and the ministry of service and renewal.
We offer the trailers to your churches so your church families can help others in need. To request the use of one of the trailers for your church, contact our Disaster Relief team leaders.

Robert H. Swan, Sr: 215-674-1935 / EMAIL
Jeff Roberts: 724-351-1509 / EMAIL
Gary Wood: 570-596-2619 / EMAIL
Contact us to schedule the use of a Rapid Response Trailer.
If you want to join the response team, forward your name, address, phone number and e-mail to EMAIL.
Mark 10: 43,45 commands –“Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant... For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” You can be part of this ministry. Donations from churches, ABWM, ABM, or individuals should be made to ABMOPAD Disaster Ministry and sent to ABMOPAD c/o Robert H. Swan, Sr. 21201 Ann’s Choice Way, Warminster, PA 18974