Reflections by Walter Rauschenbusch
Today’s readers are invited to experience the influence and impact of the late Walter Rauschenbusch—renowned Baptist pastor, theologian and founder of the social gospel—via To Live in God: Daily Reflections with Walter Rauschenbusch. The book of 180 reflections is organized around the following themes:
- the inward journey of solitude,
- the outward journey of service and
- the common journey of solidarity.
A man of deep spirituality, whose thoughts and prayers are the heart of this inspirational tome, Rauschenbusch was known for his ministry around the social justice implications of the Christian gospel.
Each daily reading is comprised of a scriptural passage in addition to a quotation and prayer by Rauschenbusch. Readers will find this book the perfect guide for cultivating and transforming one’s own spiritual life.
The book was written by Dennis L. Johnson, M.Div., D.Min., a retired American Baptist pastor with more than 40 years of ministry to local congregations in Illinois and West Virginia. He was an adjunct faculty member at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lisle, Ill., and Palmer Theological Seminary, St. Davids, Pa., mentoring and guiding students in the practice of theological reflection. His denominational positions have included past president of American Baptist Churches of Metro Chicago and West Virginia Baptist Convention. He was also a parliamentarian for the general board of American Baptist Churches USA.
Available HERE.