American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

LLC Small Church Essentials - 2


Small Church Essentials / Zoom Meetings with Karl Vaters
February 19 / March 19

For Pastors and ACTS Students!

Earlier in January, we were privileged to speak with Karl Vaters, the author of “Small Church Essentials” about scheduling some online sessions where Karl could share some more teachings with us, and we could have some discussion around our LLC book. Karl was excited about this opportunity, and we have scheduled two Zoom meetings for pastors on Tuesday, February 19 and Tuesday, March 19. Both meetings will run from 7-8:30 PM. For more information, contact Rob Rice, ABCOPAD Regional Ministry Associate LLC Coordinator --

Please mark these dates on your calendar, and in preparation for these meetings, if you aren’t already working through “Small Church Essentials” please consider reading and discussing this book in your LLCs together.

To Register, click HERE 

If you’re interested in learning a little more about Karl, or getting a greater taste for some of his writing, you can also check out his blog: