American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Soles 4 Souls



ABCOPAD continues to find ways to help the people of Puerto Rico. The summer our AB Women collected shoes for missionary Katherine Niles to go to Africa however the ladies collected so many shoes, it was impossible to send all that were collected. Many boxes of shoes were taken to our ABCOPAD Pittsburgh office as we prayed about what to do with all these shoes. 


With our AB Women now turning their mission focus to Puerto Rico, we contacted our partners in PR to see if they were in need of shoes. The answer was "YES, please send as many as you can." Our amazing office administrator, Denise Veselicky went to work boxing up shoes to ship to Puerto Rico. Disaster Relief funds were used to cover the shipping cost. 


Recently the shoes arrived in Puerto Rico: ABCOPAD ABWM Mission Coordinator Paula Sommerfeldt wrote:

We have exciting news about some of the shoes that were donated at our 2018 Thrive Conference. These boxes are full of shoes for our brothers, sisters and children in Puerto Rico. Ladies, your gifts are literally traveling around the world.

“Thank You” for being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.

Categories: General, Ministries, Region Life ~ Date: 9/10/2018
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