American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Old Preachers Never Die...


Old Preachers never die -- they just go out to pastor!

The congregation at Wesleyville Baptist Church in Erie recently gathered to acknowledge the retirement of Pastor Mark McCallion. A wonderful celebratory dinner was held, followed by a number of members and dignitaries speaking. First Lady Eva was presented with a bouquet of fresh flowers, while a Certificate of Appreciation to was given to Pastor Mark, our current region president. Mark has occupied the pulpit for many years of in the local church... 25 at Wesleyville! Jeff Johnson presented him with a set of PA and DE cufflinks made from gold and silver commemorative quarters. (Pastor Mark has ALWAYS been known for being a VERY dabber and snappy dresser!) Others shared too from both the church and the community like their son James as well as the former pastor of Linesville, Art Barnes, and the local funeral director.


The mayor of Wesleyville declared by proclamation that Sunday was Mark McCallion day. The church presented him and Eva with a plaque. It was a VERY special day for ALL in attendance.


Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 8/28/2022
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