American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

The Empty Chair

While at Bethlehem Baptist, Ruff Creek, over the last weekend, Jeff Johnson noticed a handful of chairs throughout the building in the fellowship hall, Sunday School classrooms, the sanctuary, and the overflow area with a piece of paper attached to each. It is a prayer practice that I have advocated for years, The Empty Chair prayer. I have shared it a lot throughout our region and the country. Bethlehem took my words to heart some time ago by placing these reminders to pray for the people that aren't yet at the church but are coming. They come in, not because we open the doors at a given time, but rather the church goes out through those open doors, makes meaningful connections with people in their spheres of influence, and brings those individuals back with them to fill these unoccupied but prayed for spaces. Actually, when these new folks come in, they are asked to take the paper off the chair, take that seat, and put the paper on another chair or space and pray now along with the rest of the church for the next person who will come. Usually the new person will bring the next person since they more than anymore know unchurched people. Your church should give this a try. It raises everyone's expectations.



Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 5/17/2017
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