American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Pittsburgh Baptist Association
Ordination Council


North Hills Community Baptist Church hosted the ordination council called by the Pittsburgh Baptist Association for Miss Erika Spring. Rev. Alan Berg, chair of the association's clergy and church relations council and pastor of the South Hills Community Baptist Church presided. Among a couple dozen supportive folks from her home, North Hills Community, pastors and delegates from nine different churches in the association gathered to question Erika about her theological beliefs, life experiences, and her call to ministry. Among the various things shared, Erika mentioned her desire to eventually become a prison chaplain. Right now she is serving as a children's minister in a church in Indiana. Erika has a real heart for Biblical justice as well as missions, having gone several times to Nicaragua with her home church, partnering with the AMOS ministry with which our region works. Erika's father, Rev. Tim Spring, is pastor of the North Hills Church. When Erika was asked what lessons for ministry she learned from him she shared #1 know your boundaries and know when to say no and #2 have a deep and profound love for people. In the end, those gathered blessed Erika's call and sent word to the word to conduct a formal ordination service which will be held in the near future. Of course, being Baptists, a time of fellowship with food followed the examination. 





Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 6/3/2017
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