American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

FBC, Bethlehem -- Vision Check


Jeff Johnson spent the weekend at the First Baptist Church of Bethlehem where he conducted sessions on vision and specifically worship as a core component of their strategy. Friday evening's session was a meeting with the pastors and two dozen leaders of the congregation to talk about how in their roles they facilitate vision. Saturday morning's session was with over eighty of the laity focused on how each can be a part of living out their vision both personally and collectively.
The time together was inspirational, informational, and very interactive. Jeff stayed to preach at the church's two Sunday morning services. Pastor Dale Miller, former ABCOPAD staffer and the church's senior minister, has been taking the congregation through a very productive vision process. The sessions with Jeff were to complement the work already done. 



Categories: Region Life ~ Date: 2/27/2017
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