American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Centre Association ABWM 2018 


The Centre Association AB Women gathered for their annual Spring meeting at Mill Creek Baptist Church. ABCOPAD Vice-President Apryl Glunt led the gathering.



One of the highlights of the Centre Association Women’s gathering was hearing about the various ministries taking place at each church.


The AB Girls of Mill Creek kicked off the time of sharing and talked about some of the ministries they do throughout the year... such as a "Coffee and Prayer Ministry" where the girls set up a roadside stand offering people in the community a cup of coffee and a chance to pray. Many people in Mill Creek take advantage of this ministry.


First Regular Baptist in Huntingdon shared details about a powerful "Backyard Children’s Ministry," as well as a "Blanket Ministry" that provides blankets to those in need. People from the community come to get their blankets but also will “hang out” at the church to visit and receive prayer.



It was a day well-spent, as ministries, encouragement, and fellowship were shared by all. 


Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 4/8/2018
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