American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Camp Carmel Board



Monday evening, Jeff Johns, ABCOPAD Regional Pastor with Congregations, attended the monthly meeting of the Camp Carmel Board. The leaders, representing seven different ABCOPAD churches, gathered to review their summer season. It had been a great one! A few literal bumps and bruises as is to be expected with any outdoor ministry, but the spiritual growth of both the staff and campers was tremendous. God provided in every way for the camp's needs in both staffing and resources. Jeff was asked to attend to provide some guidance concerning how to help staff and counselors have a greater impact and be even more equipped spiritually to minister to the campers. A extensive counselor training is now being planned for next spring before the start of their 2017 season. They are already counting the days ... 46 weeks until their opening next year.


Jeff also shared that the camp is strategically poised to be a network of churches working together in ways our associations used to be, like the two that founded Camp Carmel more than 60 years ago. This would be true of all our camps in the region. You will remember, just one week ago, Jeff was at the one and same camp, baptizing his son, Judson, who stayed for the week as a Junior Counselor and had the unexpected opportunity on their last night there to share a Biblical message at campfire. 





Categories: General, Ministries, Region Life ~ Date: 8/3/2016
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