American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Bethlehem Baptist Ruff Creek


On Mother's Day, Jeff and Karen Johnson spent the morning with the Bethlehem Baptist Church in Ruff Creek, just outside of Waynesburg. Jeff was filling in for Pastor David Earnest who with his wife Amy and their two sons were in China getting their two adopted sons.


After attending Sunday School, Jeff during worship with the help of a few young men presented all the ladies of the church with a white carnation which is the official flower of Mother's Day. To ladies in the church shared their personal testimonies of having a godly mother and mother-in-law.


Jeff then preached the morning message and invited folks to come forward to pray which individuals did. Jeff and Karen then visited family in the area since both their mothers and Karen's grandmother live in SW PA. Jeff preached at Bethlehem Baptist in his teens back in the very early 1980's when Ron Evans, former ABCOPAD area minister, was the pastor and became one of Jeff's mentors. There are still folks there now who remembered him then.

Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 5/22/2017
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