American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

2016 Nicaragua Mission Trip I

Our team of volunteers departed from Atlanta on their way to Nicaragua. Everyone arrived and got to know one another.


The team attended morning worship at a little church outside of Managua. It was wonderful. The congregation demonstrated amazing hospitality. The music included some familiar hymns and others that were new. The team brought a greeting from the States. Pastor Daniel focused his message on the Holy Spirit and our AMOS partner John translated. It was incredible being with our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Nicaragua.




On Monday, we had orientations the morning followed by a tour of the compound. In the afternoon we learned out the water filters we would be installing and did some preparations on the actual filters. We also enjoyed a short tour of Managua.




The team made it safely to Banco de Sikia. It was a very difficult trip ... 9 hours over many horrible dirt roads. The bumps and shakes were grueling, but we made it. Everyone had a thick coating of dust covering our skin and clothing, but without a doubt the trip was worth it.


Tuesday was a full day of ministry. In the morning, the team installed a water filter for Hosea, one of the Health Committee members who lives at the heart of the village. This was great practice.

By 9:30am, five teams were dispatched to install water filters throughout the community. Some teams only needed to travel 30-60 minutes to their families, while others had almost a 2-hour walk to their first home receiving a water filter. Everyone was pretty exhausted when they got back for lunch.

After lunch, half the team did medical training with community members while the other half of the team did VBS with the children.

The medical team taught basic first aid for wounds and had lots of interaction with the students. The VBS team had about 35 kids. We sang songs, did games, and had arts and crafts. We also cleaned litter from the school yard.

By dinnertime, everyone was very tired, but so happy with our accomplishments.

The hospitality of the people of Banco de Sikia is incredible. SO much joy! It remains very hot (102) and dusty.

You can view lots more pictures HERE



Categories: General, Ministries, Region Life ~ Date: 4/20/2016
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